Comanche Language Planning & Development
What is Comanche Language Planning And Development?

Archived video "Comanche Language Revitalization Discussion Forum"
Supporting language planning and development is ensuring that our identity as numunu is prioritized and sustained now and for generations to come.
On November 16, 2017 a community meeting called "Comanche Language Revitalization Discussion Forum" was held and livestreamed at the Comanche Tribal Complex in Lawton, Ok. The purpose of this meeting was to inform the tribal community about the efforts underway to revitalize the Comanche Language and to gather input and suggestions from those in attendance as well as those viewing online. Some of the topics discussed were:
Making Language Accessible To All Tribal Members
Emergency State of Comanche Language
Taking Action
Goal Of Comanche Language Planning Group
Curriculum Design & Development
Assessment Of Available Resources
Strategic Plan
Comanche Language Planning And Development is a new line item on the Comanche Nation FY19 Budget. It is the beginning phase of designing a multifaceted Comanche language department under tribal governance.
In August 2017 a group of employees, tribal members, elders, business committee members, and educators came together to look for ways the Nation could help in the revitalization of our language. This group is called the Comanche Language Planning Group (CLPG). Over a 6-month evaluation period, many questions were asked and many points were bought up concerning the growth, dissipation, accessibility, and emergency state of our Comanche language.
By consulting with experts in indigenous language revitalization, communicating with tribal members, cultural authorities, elders, and coming to terms with what our most inhibiting challenges were, we have concluded that building a comprehensive plan for language revitalization is the next path forward.